Photograph from lapetitemelancolie.net.
A way to know true human nature, by Ismaël Chappaz
An established gallery owner in Spain talks about how outsider art can facilitate a better understanding of the human mind, since it is much more complex and multifaceted than it seems, as Chappaz comments that there are many types of minds and mentalities, which makes the interpretation they can give of art or creativity very interesting.
On how the mainstream is phagocytising the underground, by Kevin Prieto
Kevin talks about when a contradiction is generated in outsider art fairs, because an outsider artist manages his or her own movement, but the fact of participating in a fair where you pay to be in a fair is already categorised as an outsider fair, it's like saying that the alternative is fashionable. "It's like turning into something alternative, something out of the ordinary, into fashion," says Prieto.
creative vision
Within the contemporary art world, outsider art has found its place as a vital and evocative current that challenges conventions and offers new forms of expression.
Ismaël considers it very useful to have hybrid platforms to host outsider art because nowadays "if you're not online you don't exist, although books and fanzines and magazines are still consumed, but I think it's essential and there should be an archive of outsider art and not from a morbid point of view, it's also a curiosity to understand the human mind...".
Kevin tells us that he believes that these outsider artists are generating new ways of creating art: "He talk about postmodernism and how everything has already been invented, so what is the way to make art? By taking things that already exist and transforming them into something more contemporary...".
A contemporary approach with an ethical sense
To explore this fascinating artistic category, we talked to two experts whose vision of outsider art enriches our understanding: a renowned gallerist from a contemporary art gallery and a young performance artist. Their testimonies not only illuminate the importance of outsider art, but also its relevance in today's art scene.
Ismaël Chappaz, founder and director of one of the most important galleries in Spain: House of Chappaz
Ismael Chappaz has been instrumental in the internationalisation of Spanish art.
He has collaborated with galleries and art fairs globally, bringing local artists to the international stage.
His ability to identify and nurture talent has been a constant throughout his career, contributing significantly to the development of contemporary art in Spain.
His first contact with outsider art was as a result of seeing the exhibition of filth culture at the CCCB in Barcelona, and one of the things that struck him was the art of serial killers. Discovering this type of creations has led him to investigate this type of pathologies that lead to the creation of this type of art, such as that of Daniel Johnston, which has to do with music and illustration or art.
Photograph makma.com.
"I find the creations of outsider artists very interesting, because I say, of course, if you didn't have all those filters, how far would you go? What would you do? What would you represent? Yes, let's see, what conditions us, what holds us back, what creates imprisonment and obligations for us is the system we live in? If suddenly you are outside of it..."
On how the mainstream is phagocytising the underground: a young artist with a critical eye on the trend cycle
Kevin Prieto is originally from Barcelona. A young artist who, being aware of and participating in this socio-cultural context, exercises an artistic practice based on a multi-transdisciplinarity that is resolved in different types of media.
Photograph courtesy from the artist.
"Understanding outsider art is very interesting, it's like learning to unlearn. Because at the end of the day, even if you have a certain problem or something that makes you marginal and out of it, there comes a point where your creativity leads you to discover, to explore and that you are a little bit, as far as you can be conscious of saying, well, they look at it or they are looking at it."
upcoming INTERVIEW
Eduardo García Nieto, curator
A curator noted for his ability to combine visual art, performance and digital media has set new standards in the curatorial field.

Photograph courtesy from E.G.N.
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Lattice of identity · Judith Scott
She is known for her thread-wrapped sculptures, which reflect her personal and emotional experience.
Everyday life blurred · Miroslav Tichý
Tichy used handmade cameras and improvised materials to capture images of everyday life and the people around him.