Photograph from rawvision.com.
Outsider artworks
An opportunity to appreciate in detail a series of artworks that are creations of people who, due to their context of creation, creative process, and social discourse, are considered outsider art.
A digital space for outsider art
Welcome to these spaces that show the essence of outsider artists and their works are essential to give visibility and to let people know their interpretation of the world.
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Mapping the time, by George Widener
Widener has an extraordinary ability to process numerical information, which has profoundly influenced his art.
His creations combine mathematics, history, and a fascination with time, with an obsession for numerical patterns and calendars, elements he uses to explore abstract concepts of history and the future.
Widener's work has an obsessive approach to time and numbers. His pieces often resemble riddles in which visual and mathematical representations are mixed, as if each drawing were a codification of historical or future events.

Photograph from Gavin Ashworth NYC.
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